Project Information

UPDATE 3/13/25

Groundbreaking Ceremony is scheduled for Monday, March 17th starting at 11 am. Held at the Intersection of South 19th Street & Manufacturing Drive.

Full press release with event details can be found here

UPDATE 3/4/25-

We are excited to announce that construction activities for the Manufacturing Drive & Surrounding Areas of the Drive to Prosperity Project will soon commence. The project will
be executed in multiple phases, starting with the construction of the South
Bridge, located south of Nestle Purina and Eastern Iowa Tire, beginning on March 11th.

Please note that several factors may cause changes to this schedule. We are committed to keeping you informed with regular updates and progress notifications. Here is the current
staging plan to execute the project. Be sure to check back often to stay up to
date on the latest developments.  If you have specific questions, please contact us. 

UPDATE 3/15/24

We have received environmental clearance from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). We will be moving forward with final design and begin the Right of Way and Easement acquisition process. The Environmental Assessment (EA) report can be accessed in the Helpful Documents section below.

Over the next several months, the design team will be working on the final design and construction documents. This will include developing phasing, traffic control and detour plans. If your property will be impacted, our team will be reaching out to you to discuss the specific impacts and next steps in the property acquisition process.

This website will be updated periodically throughout the remainder of design and construction, so check back often. If you have specific questions, please contact us.


Important Dates

Spring 2025 – Manufacturing Drive construction begins (Highway 30 – College Dr.)

Spring 2026 – Bluff Boulevard construction begins

Fall 2027 – Project completion 

Engineering Drawings

Open House / Public Meeting Notes

March 2023 Open House